
Our Buyers Agent Secrets: How We Uncover Off-Market Properties for Our Clients

15 March 2024

House Finder has revolutionised the process of acquiring off-market property, granting our clients access to deals that often remain invisible on the traditional market. Our methodical approach, combined with our unwavering dedication to your success, has positioned us as leaders in the Australian real estate investment scene. This article delves into our unique process, showcasing how we uncover these hidden gems for our clients.

Our Buyers Agent Secrets: How We Uncover Off-Market Properties for Our Clients

The Allure of Off-Market Properties


Off-market property, often referred to as ‘silent listings’, remains one of the real estate market’s best-kept secrets. Off-market property offers buyers a unique edge, including privacy from the public gaze and a reduction in competitive bidding. For sellers, the appeal lies in a discreet sales process, shielding their transactions from the market’s speculative eyes.

Why Buyers Seek Off-Market Property


The reasons are multifaceted. Some buyers relish the exclusivity and first-mover advantage, enabling them to negotiate deals without the pressure of competing offers. Others find that off-market listings may come at more attractive prices, as sellers avoid the costs associated with traditional listings.

House Finder’s Strategic Approach to Uncovering Off-Market Listings


Our approach is both an art and a science. It involves a deep understanding of the local market, a wide network of industry contacts, and the strategic use of technology.

Building a Robust Network of Contacts


The foundation of our success lies in our extensive network of real estate agents, developers, investors, and homeowners. This network is nurtured through years of collaboration and trust-building, ensuring we have the first word on Off-Market Property before they hit the market. We introduce you to all parties necessary for the purchase of property and maintaining the property including property managers, solicitors, depreciation schedules, insurances, tradies, brokers and more!

Utilising Advanced Technology and Data Analysis


We leverage cutting-edge technology and data analytics to identify potential off-market property. From predictive modelling that identifies properties likely to be sold to software that analyses market trends, we stay ahead of the curve.

The Role of Local Market Knowledge and Expertise


Our team’s unparalleled local market knowledge is crucial. Understanding neighbourhood trends, historical transaction data, and upcoming developments allows us to identify areas with high off-market property potential.

The Art of Negotiation and Securing Off-Market Deals


Securing an off-market deal requires finesse and strategy. Our agents are skilled negotiators who understand the value of building relationships and trust with sellers and their representatives.

Techniques in Effective Negotiation

We employ a range of negotiation techniques, from crafting compelling buyer profiles to presenting win-win scenarios that appeal to both parties. Our aim is always to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients.

Building Trust with Sellers and Agents

Trust is the currency of the off-market world. We build lasting relationships with sellers and their agents, ensuring they see us as the go-to buyers’ agents for discreet, efficient transactions.

Challenges in the Off-Market Property Search


While the pursuit of off-market property is rewarding, it comes with its set of challenges. Legal complexities, ethical considerations, and the need for due diligence are paramount in these transactions.

Navigating Legal and Ethical Considerations


We ensure all off-market transactions adhere to legal and ethical standards, providing peace of mind for both buyers and sellers. Our team stays abreast of real estate laws and regulations, ensuring a smooth and compliant process.


The House Finder Process: A Detailed Look


Free Consultation: It all begins with a conversation. Our founder, Simon, offers a free consultation to understand your unique situation, strategy, and goals, giving you a taste of our comprehensive service.


Face-to-Face Meeting: Whenever possible, we prefer to meet our clients in person. This meeting is crucial for establishing a deeper connection, understanding your needs, and tailoring our search accordingly.


Finding Your Property: Leveraging our extensive network and expertise, we present the best off-market property that meet your requirements, ensuring you don’t miss out on exclusive opportunities.


Buying Process: From negotiation to inspection and research, we guide you through every step, introducing and managing all necessary third parties to ensure a seamless experience.


Post-Purchase Support: Our commitment doesn’t end with the purchase. We offer ongoing mentoring and support, all without additional charges or obligations.

What Makes House Finder Stand Out?


Unlike other agencies, House Finder charges a flat fee, significantly lower than our competitors, for a service that’s comprehensive and tailored. From sourcing the best off-market property and below-market value properties across Australia to providing detailed CMA reports and cash flow analysis, we cover every aspect of the buying process. Our all-encompassing service ensures no surprises, just informed decisions backed by data, facts, and expert advice. House Finder is led by property investor giant Simon Loo, who also started with ambitions beyond the daily grind. 


He propelled himself to a $100,000 annual passive income through astute property investment, culminating in the formation of House Finder. This venture, backed by a $20 million property portfolio with an impressive 9% rental yield, stands as a beacon for those eager to navigate the path to financial independence with expert guidance. So when it comes to the property investor game, he is the best in the business!

The Human Touch in Finding Your Property


Following our initial consultation, we strive to meet face-to-face whenever possible. This step is crucial in building a deeper understanding and connection, enabling us to align our property search with your exact needs and preferences. Our commitment to finding the best off-market property is reflected in our rigorous selection process, ensuring only the most fitting properties make it to you.

Our Comprehensive Service


House Finder stands out by offering a holistic service encompassing every aspect of the off-market property buying process:


  • Sourcing: We source the best off-market and below-market value properties Australia-wide.
  • Due Diligence: Our team advises on all critical aspects of each property, backed by data, facts, figures, and a comprehensive Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) report and cash flow analysis.
  • Negotiation: Expert negotiation to secure the best possible price.
  • Inspection and Research: Thorough property inspections to guarantee no hidden surprises.
  • Comprehensive Support: From the buying process to post-purchase advice, including introductions to essential third-party services and project management for renovations, we’re with you every step of the way.


Case Studies: Success Stories


Our approach has consistently resulted in outstanding deals for our clients:


  • A Perth off-market property, boasting 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a double garage within walking distance to the beach, was acquired for $395,000, significantly below its current market value of $475,000. This deal presented our client with an instant equity of $80,000 and a gross rental yield of 6.7%.
  • Another Perth gem followed suit, with a purchase price of $420,000 against a market value of $495,000. This investment came with an equity of $75,000 and increased the gross rental yield to 6.8%.


These examples underscore our proficiency in securing deals that not only meet but exceed our clients’ investment goals.

Why Choose House Finder?


Choosing House Finder means opting for a partner dedicated to your financial growth and real estate success. Our transparent flat-fee structure, devoid of hidden charges, ensures you get the best value for your investment. Our commitment extends beyond the transaction, offering ongoing support and mentoring to navigate the complexities of property investment confidently.

Our Buyers Agent Secrets

FAQs about Off-Market Property

What makes off-market properties attractive to investors?


Off-market property offers the advantage of less competition and potentially lower purchase prices, creating opportunities for better deals and higher returns on investment.

How does House Finder source off-market properties?


We leverage a blend of professional networks, direct outreach, and deep market analysis, combined with our extensive experience and insider knowledge, to identify properties that haven’t been listed on the open market.


What kind of support can I expect after purchasing an off-market property?


House Finder provides comprehensive post-purchase support, including ongoing mentoring, advice on property management, renovations, and more, all aimed at maximising your investment’s potential.


Are there any hidden costs with House Finder’s service?


No, we pride ourselves on transparency. Our flat fee is fully disclosed upfront, ensuring no surprises.

Off-Market Properties for Our Clients

Take The Next Step


The appeal of off-market property is undeniable, offering opportunities that are not available to the general public. At House Finder, we pride ourselves on our ability to navigate this hidden market, bringing unmatched value to our clients. If you’re ready to explore the potential of an off-market property, contact us today. Let us help you find not just a property, but a place that feels like home.