The Bargain in a Boom Challenge: Emotions v Investors With Simon Loo

Season 4, Ep. 550

Simon Loo is the founder and director of buyers agency House Finder, and is a buyer’s agent himself. His property portfolio is now worth over $8 million, with $4 million in equity, affording him the ultimate goal of financial freedom. He has a wealth of knowledge to share about property investment and today we’re focusing on a case study revolving around investing in today’s fast-moving market.

Join us as we discuss the wonderful opportunity a new client of Loo’s— and a new investor overall— happened upon in Brisbane. In the several months between this client signing on with House Finder and now, the market has surged ahead in leaps and bounds. What is this boom all about, anyway, and what makes people pay $50,000 more for a property than they need to? Loo may just have the answer for you.


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